As weekend forecasts predict hot and steamy weather to approach our area, Con Edison offers helpful tips to stay cool by using energy wisely. Check out these money-saving conservation tips: Set your air conditioning to the highest comfortable temperature. Every degree you lower the thermostat drives up your bill by 6 percent When the AC is running, close doors to keep cool air in and hot air out Even when…
Energy Savings
Strengthening America’s Energy Superpower Status
That the United States is an energy superpower whose presence is being felt in the global marketplace has been on display this week during the president’s trip to Europe. Because the U.S. is the world’s leading producer of natural gas and oil and the world’s leading refiner, we see America with growing opportunities to help friends and allies abroad through trade – even as domestically produced crude oil puts downward pressure on the…
Natural Gas Storage Report Injection Season Week 15
Market expectation was 32 Bcf and the actual injection was 28 Bcf. The market seems to be unaffected by this injection for it looks like it is “just hovering in a range and is unable to increase into the high teens” per some New York floor traders. Last year we had an injection of 38 Bcf and the five year average stands at 59 Bcf. Current weather forecasts are predicting a…