United Energy Consultants (UEC) provides tailored energy-saving solutions to meet your business needs. We help our customers reduce price and reduce usage.

Energy Tracker Pro Software Solution


Ongoing Account Management


For Landlords

As a landlord, enhancing the energy efficiency of your properties increases the value and prestige of each building.

But getting tenants to switch off lights or turn down the heat may be difficult to control, especially if utilities are already rolled into the rent.

Re-evaluating the costs from your energy provider is a useful alternative to consider.

Get the power to choose your energy supplier and lower your utility costs. Let UEC evaluate your current business costs today, shop for the best supplier pricing and lock in your new lower rates.

For Business Owners

As a business owner, you have many daily challenges to face. Customers are your utmost concern. Keeping them happy and satisfied with your product or service takes all of your time.

While keeping costs down is essential, the last thing you want to focus on is shopping for new a new utility provider.

You could spend weeks, even months analyzing your bills and comparing rates.

And in the end, you still won’t be sure you’ve found the best rate.

Or, you could let UEC seamlessly handle the process. Let UEC evaluate your current business costs today, shop for the best supplier pricing and lock in your new lower rates while you focus on what’s important – your business.

Real Estate & Hotel Management

With energy needs growing year after year from new advances in technology like “smart rooms” and widespread wireless internet access, looking for ways you can directly manage increasing costs becomes paramount.

While energy and sustainability may not be core competencies of this industry, the ability to satisfy tenants and guests is at the heart of your business.

So let UEC manage this area with their own hospitality expertise. UEC will evaluate your current business costs today, shop for the best supplier pricing and lock in your new lower rates while you focus on what’s important – your business.

Energy Savings Power


In today’s fragile economy, the cost of energy for most mid to large size businesses can literally DEVOUR their operating costs! In some cases, energy costs eat up such a large portion of those operating expenses, it can force some of those businesses to totally shut down. But UEC can put an immediate stop to that once and for all!


  • Numerous states have already deregulated or are looking into deregulating their energy markets. As a business owner, if you are aware of this opportunity, you can obtain a substantial cost savings for your business. UEC can help you determine if your business is in a deregulated market.

  • No your current transmission and distribution utility continues to deliver electricity to your business. Your local utility company still responds to service interruptions and continues to maintain the poles, wires and pipelines. You will continue to receive the same reliable service you are used to with your local utility company, regardless of which energy provider you receive supply from.

  • As a result of deregulation, you can now choose to buy your energy from a different provider than the local distribution company in your area. These competing companies are called retail energy providers and now own the power generation plants.

  • Regardless of which energy provider UEC helps you choose, your electricity will continue to be delivered safely and reliably by the local utility company which is still regulated by the Public Utility Commission.

  • Since your local utility company is still responsible for the maintenance and repair of the poles and wires, you would call them in the event of an emergency or power outage.

  • Once you have chosen an energy supplier, there are two different scenarios that can occur. One is that you will receive two separate bills, one from your distribution company and one from your energy supplier. The other scenario would be a single combined bill, that would contain both the distribution company’s charges and your energy supplier’s charges. This depends on the supplier and their agreement with the distribution company.

  • No. City owned utilities and member owned electric cooperatives have the option of giving their customers a choice of providers, or keeping things the same.

  • No. No matter which energy provider you choose, your energy will continue to be delivered safely and reliably by the local utility company.

  • In the unlikely event this were to happen, your local distribution company would continue to deliver energy to your facility. UEC would work with you to place you with a new electricity supplier as quickly as possible.

Do you need help with your business energy?

We know you have many choices when considering energy consultants. At UEC, our energy consultants give you their undivided attention and will not stop working until they find you the best possible solution. We follow a simple equation, Cost reduction + Usage reduction = Customer Savings.