No Cost Energy Tips for Business

Simple tips you already know but often overlooked.

Ensure equipment is turned off overnight and weekends.

Save energy by using the power management features on your monitors, CPUs, printers and copiers.

Make sure outdoor lighting is turned off during the day.

Keep bulbs, fixtures, lenses, lamps and reflective surfaces cleaned regularly. By removing grease, dust and other dirt, you can increase the output of your lights.

Set thermostats to 78-80 degrees when people are in the building, 85 degrees at night and on weekends during the cooling season. In the heating season, keep the temperature at 68 degrees when people occupy the building, 55-60 degrees at night and on weekends. Also, allow your employees to wear comfortable clothing during hot weather. By doing so, you don’t have to keep a room cold enough that workers must wear suits and coats.

Remove under desk space heaters.

Turn down the water heater to 120 degrees.

To save energy, keep exterior and freight doors closed as much as possible.

Make double-sided copies whenever possible. This will cut the amount of paper that you use in half

By following these simple tips, we can help reduce our carbon footprint, increase our efficiency at work, and save money in the process.