Natural Gas Storage Report Injection Season Week 23 (Week Ending September 8, 2017)

The natural gas market injection reported today was greater than the 85 Bcf that was expected.  With an injection of 91 Bcf, traders are slightly surprised. The severity and duration of outages from the hurricanes, Harvey and Irma, have created additional uncertainty regarding energy prices in the coming weeks and months. The natural gas market has remained within close range through two major storms, which is unusual based on past…

Natural Gas Storage Report Injection Season Week 22 (Week Ending September 1, 2017)

Today’s market injection was slightly higher than the average expectation that many traders had of 64 Bcf. Market injection of 65 Bcf and the minimal impact that Hurricane Harvey had over the total demand of Natural Gas has made the market have a bearish undertone. The combination of the power outages in TX, the expected cooling temperatures for September and October, and the lower exports that were delivered to Mexico…

Hurricane Preparedness, Safety And Response

Hurricane Harvey is moving through the Gulf of Mexico, home to nearly 20 percent of total U.S. crude oil production, and toward the Texas coast, where more than 25 percent of U.S. refining capacity is located. We don’t know exactly where the storm will come ashore, but since the Gulf Coast is the largest domestic supplier of transportation fuels, a lot of people are watching its track. Below, the U.S. Energy Information Administration’s…

Natural Gas Storage Report Injection Season Week 21 (Week Ending August 25, 2017)

Hurricane Harvey and its aftermath showed little impact on Henry Hub futures over this last weekend and continued to stay neutral to bearish after this week’s injection of 30 Bcf, nearly meeting the market expectation of 32 Bcf. Both of these values came in significantly short of the builds from last year and the five-year average, which were previously reported at 46 Bcf and 67 Bcf respectively. The extent of…

Natural Gas Storage Report Injection Season Week 20 (Week Ending August 18, 2017)

Market expectation was 45 Bcf and the injection report came in slightly under at 43 Bcf.  Last year only 13 Bcf was injected and the five- year average stands at 53 Bcf. The market is leaning to be bullish and is not the slight under market injection that is making the push. Weather forecasts are predicting a significant and devastating impact Hurricane Harvey is going to have in Texas. The…

Natural Gas Storage Report Injection Season Week 19 (Week Ending August 11, 2017)

Market expectation was 49 Bcf and the actual came in at 53 Bcf. This injection was above some of the estimates that were in the range of 35- 50 Bcf and was above the five- year average of 50 Bcf. The market went downward when the injection came out, but quickly increased thanks to a revision to the data of working gas during the six week period of June 30th–…

6 Easy Ways to Save While on Vacation

Planning that end of summer getaway? Even when you’re on vacation, your home still uses electricity. And whether you’re relaxing on the beach, road tripping across the country or hiking in the mountains, stressing about energy costs should be the last thing on your mind. Follow these simple tips to help save money while you’re away and put some dollars back in your pocket for your upcoming trip: Turn the…

Renewable Energy Update – August 2017

Renewable Energy Focus CAISO approves changes to enhance demand response in wholesale markets Utility Dive – Jul 28 The California ISO (CAISO) has approved a measure aiming to enhance the ability of demand response to participate in the wholesale power markets as part of the state’s efforts to allow greater market participation for a wider range of resources. The CAISO board also agreed to extend temporary measures put into place to manage…

No Cost Energy Tips for Business

Simple tips you already know but often overlooked. Ensure equipment is turned off overnight and weekends. Save energy by using the power management features on your monitors, CPUs, printers and copiers. Make sure outdoor lighting is turned off during the day. Keep bulbs, fixtures, lenses, lamps and reflective surfaces cleaned regularly. By removing grease, dust and other dirt, you can increase the output of your lights. Set thermostats to 78-80…

Energy Saving Tips for Hotels

Being energy efficient is important. Greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane, have been identified to be responsible for causing climate change that affects our ability to live safely, grow and transport our food, and run our businesses. People are becoming more aware of the effects of climate change and that sense of awareness is prevalent in a lot of ways. For example nowadays, survey says that a lot…